Do you believe in reincarnation?
Have you lived more than one life?
And what is regression?
I believe in reincarnation. I believe we have lived more than one life. Or at least is going to live more than one life. And when it comes to regression – I will now tell you about my experience with it – and also my meeting with another life of mine.
The therapist told me to talk about everything I felt, saw, heard, smelled or in other ways came into my head.
At first I was put into hypnosis by the therapist. She told me to visualize a corridor with many doors. I was told to go through one of them. When I entered – everything was black. I was sure that this didn’t work with me. I am a skeptic – after all. But suddenly I saw a light. I was told to walk towards it – but when I reached the place the light must have come from – it was all dark. I couldn’t see anything. I felt some hands on my shoulders – trying to turn me in an other direction – as if I needed help to find the right direction. Then I was left alone in the dark. It became difficult to walk – since I couldn’t see and I didn’t know the place. Somehow I got the feeling there was something wrong with my eyes. I felt alone, scared and couldn’t see anything. I had no shoes on my feet – I could feel the ground underneath me. My heart was beating so hard and fast. I was somewhat surprised of the different feelings my body and mind gave me through this regression.
Then the therapist counted me forward in time – to another important event in that life.
I then felt as if I was lying down – not in a soft bed – but on something hard. I still couldn’t see anything. I felt weak and very, very hungry. This was really weird since I ate dinner right before going to this regression. I was not hungry at all – in real life. I also felt very thin and bony. It was a struggle to sit up – and I just wanted to lie down – sleeping.
I was then counted forward in time again.
Still lying – I felt ok. Not hungry anymore. My heart was not beating fast or hard. Couldn’t feel it at all actually. In real life I felt it of course. And I finally saw something. It was a lot of grey planks nailed together. I got the feeling of lying in a coffin made of wood. The therapist wanted me to leave the body and go to my special healing place – but I couldn’t. She asked me if I wanted someone to help me – and I accepted. Since I felt so alone and sad – I really wanted some kind of mother-figure to help me. Then I saw a yellow bright light. Shaped like a woman. Kind of like Mother Theresa combined with Virgin Mary. I couldn’t see the face. but I felt the light all around me. Then the feeling of being all alone came over me so strong. I started to cry – and I cried for a long time. Still feeling the light all around me. It was very comforting – somehow. After I’ve got some healing – I was counted back into the present.
So this was my first meeting with an earlier life – a life as a blind person – all alone.
Now it makes sense to me – why I’m so afraid of going blind – and why eye-diseases frightens me so much.
But in a way – I’m still skeptic to what happened in there. Somehow I feel like I’ve made it all up. I just cannot explain the hands on my shoulders, my heart beating so fast and hard, the feeling of being hungry and the tears that came from nowhere.
At another time – I will tell you about my next regression – I had another one done for not so long time ago.
So what do you think – did I make it all up – did the therapist feed me with the “right” questions and response leading up to what happened – or did I live this life earlier on? Have you had a regression or another experience that indicated that you have lived before? I really would like to hear about it. Please leave a comment :o)
Lots of hugs!!