Raymond Moody was - and still is, a sceptic – like me. However I think I’m convinced of the fact that we have lived before. I believe in reincarnation and a life both before and after life. I even believe there is a life between lives. When he first wrote the book Life after life – a book about near death experiences – he received a lot of letters from readers all over. In between all these letters/stories he found information about people remembering their previous lives as well. He decided that he had to look into the matter and even went for a regression himself.
He found NINE previous lives.
The book Coming Back – is written at the end of the eighties and a lot has happend in the world since that time. We are much more open about this subject now, a lot of books are written and a lot of people have come forward telling their stories. But even if this book is a bit old – I found it interesting. He wrote about stuff I never heard about before. He said something about people who believe and those who disbelieve – they are actually “in the same boat”. Previous lives are impossible to prove or contradict. I guess it’s up to each and everyone of us – if we believe or disbelieve. Raymond Moody still write books, is available for personal consultations, holds lectures/workshops and participate in a numerous radio- and tv-shows – including Oprah :o)
A theraphist, believing in reincarnation – described life in this way;
It feels like waiting in line for a ride in a roller-coaster. They say that when a man is in line for a ticket, something inside of him knows that when he sits with his head down - in really high speed, he actually don’t want to be there. But still he buy’s his ticket, the excitement is unavoidable.
The fact that we will be inflicted by various diseases and be exposed of disasters, is not important compeared to the fact that we will learn a lot about ourselves spiritually – as we time after time line up for a ride in The Roller-coaster of Life.
Raymond Moody uses words like cryptomnesia and xenoglossy as alternative causes for old memories and pictures coming up. He also touches the subject of hypnagogic state.
Kryptomnesia is described as episodes when memories/pictures hidden deep inside are coming up again – in a way as if they are new. Most likely in creative situations. Among others, Helen Keller once got fooled by a situation like this, writing the story The Frost King. As it turned out, the story was a “copy” of The Frost Fairies – written by another author 29 years earlier. Since Helen Keller was both blind and deaf – she had to totally depend on others for knowledge and information. She had no conscious memories about this story and was stunned. It turned out that a friend of her, “read” her the story some years before she wrote The Frost King.
Xenoglossy happens when a client starts to talk a foreign language during regression. Sometimes the therapists knows the language, other times they don’t. Those who believe in reincarnation may think the client talk in a “lost” or “dead” language. Why they do this is unknown. Maybe the client recently overheard the language on the bus or on the radio or someplace else. The believers think it is a sign of previous lives.
Hypnagogic state is the state we are in, between beeing fully awake and beeing asleep. Not sleeping – not awake. During a hypnotic regression – one easily gets into a hypnagogic state and we gets up very colorful and complicated pictures. The difference from dreams is that we don’t participate, but are wathing it all from the sideline and still know where we actually are. In dreams we are a part of the action.
Then we are left with some new information, telling us what’s NOT regressions to previous lives. But with all the other cases – well – who knows??
An intriguing and interesting book – no matter what wiew you have in this situation. I would like to believe that we live several lives – and don’t just turn off the switch when we die. It’s a really comforting thought that we can be reunited with our loved ones on the other side.
All my love!!