I have just gotten a year older – but nothing has changed .. :o)
After listening to books “The Kite Runner” and “Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini – I was curious about the movie “The Kite Runner” – and the other night I watched it online. I’m sorry to say I didn’t like it. And I guess it’s basically because of the fact that I’ve “read” the book first. Hopefully the movie based on “Thousand Spledid Suns” will be better – that is if they’re even going to make the film.
Yesterday we had a minor disaster here. It was one of the few days where the kids could bring one of their own toys to the kindergarten. Well – I forgot!! The little one wasn’t exactly impressed by her mother when she came home. After a while she says; “ I’m looking forward to my next life – when I can have new parents.”
I got a little shocked at first – but I tried to make fun of it ..
Then I got told that “her new parents hopefully wouldn’t forget to bring toys to kindergarten – and not only be thinking of their own birthday”!!!
Well – she got me there :o)
I did however get a lot of cuddle later on – after she figured out that it was nice to have a mummy to cuddle with as well :o)
Anyway – lots of love and hugs for you all – Torilpia :o)