I have just gotten a year older – but nothing has changed .. :o)
After listening to books “The Kite Runner” and “Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini – I was curious about the movie “The Kite Runner” – and the other night I watched it online. I’m sorry to say I didn’t like it. And I guess it’s basically because of the fact that I’ve “read” the book first. Hopefully the movie based on “Thousand Spledid Suns” will be better – that is if they’re even going to make the film.
Yesterday we had a minor disaster here. It was one of the few days where the kids could bring one of their own toys to the kindergarten. Well – I forgot!! The little one wasn’t exactly impressed by her mother when she came home. After a while she says; “ I’m looking forward to my next life – when I can have new parents.”
I got a little shocked at first – but I tried to make fun of it ..
Then I got told that “her new parents hopefully wouldn’t forget to bring toys to kindergarten – and not only be thinking of their own birthday”!!!
Well – she got me there :o)
I did however get a lot of cuddle later on – after she figured out that it was nice to have a mummy to cuddle with as well :o)
Anyway – lots of love and hugs for you all – Torilpia :o)
3 kommentarer:
That happens sometimes. The worst is when your child shows up for their sports game and you forgot a key piece of equipment--like their glove or helmet.
Grattis med dagen, seriøst på overtid!! :o) Så fantastisk innlegg om veslejenta og hennes nye liv, med SKIKKELIGE foreldre, hehe. Jeg lo godt!! Huff, det er ikke så lett. Må tro jeg selv har gjort det. Glemt at det var karneval i barnehagen for eksempel. Det holder ikke å knyte et skjerf rundt pannen å si du er rambo, heller.... *knis*
Håper det er i orden å skrive på norsk, selv om du har blitt litt mer internasjonal ;o)
Ha en fin, fin helg videre
Cosi-klem til bursdags"barnet"
i am looking forward to reading Kite Runner
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