I'm in a fase of my life where I'm into a lot of alternative stuff, after being convinced of the fact, that there's more between heaven and earth than meets the eye. This I will write about in my blog - in addition to every-day-stuff worth sharing.
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torsdag 13. august 2009

A wonderful dream

Last night I had the most amazing dream. When I woke up – I felt so good – so happy and content.

Before I tell you about it – I must give you some background info.

Many years ago, in my first long time relationship – I lived in a house that sort of gave me the creeps. At night there were footsteps heard in the attic, in daytime we could smell a discusting odour in the dining area. We didn’t feel alone – that’s for sure.

One day, when I was in the kitchen – cleaning the oven – my back was turned against the dining area. I could have sworn there was something or someone wathing me from there. When I turned it was nothing there - of course – except from the odour I told you about. At that time, a friend came visiting – bringing her dog along. Strangely the dog got really desperate after entering the house. He started to whine and shiver – and ran for the door. Scratching to get out again. That was when I decided that I didn’t wanna stay there alone – never again …


Now – many years later, I was taken back to that house – in my dream. Strangely enough – I wasn’t afraid – not at all. It didn’t feel creepy or scary. The house was kind of reversed – as if I was seeing it in a mirror. I was standing in the livingroom wich was connected with the dining area. The room was bright and felt very cosy.


Suddenly a tiny little woman appeared. She reminded me about the short female psycic medium from the Poltergeist-movie. Only younger. She walked through the room, looking very confident and safe. Touching some of the tings – and then disappeared in thin air. I couldn’t believe what I had seen. A ghost! I was always sure that there was a ghost – and now I’ve seen it. I was so excited and happy. I had actually seen a ghost – yeah!!!

casper Picture from Google.

Later in the dream, I went into one of the bedrooms. There, in a large bed, my oldest daughter was lying for some reason. Beside her bed my mother was standing. In the footend of the bed – a crib – and in the crib – a small child sleeping. I wanted to tell them about the woman I saw in the livingroom, but was afraid I would scare them away.

While thinking of this – the woman re-appeared. This time in the bedroom. She walked up to the crib – lifted the child slightly before laying him/her down in another possision. Then she walked out of the room.

At first I couldn’t say anything – I was stunned. But then my daughter told me she had seen a womans “shadow” – kind of - by the crib. And my mother said she had seen a light moving towards the crib for so leaving the room. I knew they had to know so I told them what I’ve seen. We were all very excited – thinking this was a good thing.

It was amazing being able to share something like this with somebody that I loved and trusted.


When I woke up, I still was excited and full of energy – I felt really happy – as if it actually happened. The good feeling I got from this dream – nobody can take from me. However I doubt my mother and daugther would have liked this in real life. And I don’t know how I would have responded if this really happened or if it will happen …. :o)

So what did this dream mean?

I am not sure – it could mean a number of things …

Do you know or just have a suggestion??? I dare you to leave a comment here :o) (På norsk or in english)

2 kommentarer:

Tara sa...

hei toril:)
så koselig å høre fra deg igjen...ble skikkelig glad!!!
så spennende denne nye bloggen din er...skal legge den til lista mi med en gang...holder på å forandre litt på bloggen min...meldte meg akkurat ut av NIB, og det var en lettelse;) hadde jo ikke så mye interørinnlegg at det gjorde noe:O)

denne bloggen blir det spennende å følge...at det fins mer mellom himmel og jord er helt sikkert:)

jeg opplever ting stadig vekk...men er nå inne i en "stille" periode...

det er deilig at sommeren er på hell...godt for mikael å få tilbake rutinene sine;) sommeren har gått bedre enn forventet...med noen veldig tøffe dager innimellom...
idag er han på avlastning...og jeg skal på "klubb" i kveld, med 3 andre "mammaer":)

er så glad jeg fant bloggen din...har savnet deg her i blogglandia...

hils jentene dine...mange klemmer fra meg til deg;)))

Unknown sa...

Heisann Toril:0)
Så herleg at du er tilbake i bloggverda, har verkeleg sakna deg her inne...
Håpar at du no har funne fram til ei bloggeform du er komfortabel med, og eg er sikker på at mange av dine gamle lesarar kjem til å følge deg inn her...
Eg har gjort som Tara: Meldt meg ut av nib. det gjekk to mnd utan eit einaste interiørinnlegg, og då ser eg heller ikkje noko poeng med å stå på dei listene lenger.
Eg vil heller ikkje ha noko press rundt kva eg skal blogge om, eg vil skrive om det som fell meg inn og som eg er opptatt av i øyeblikket.
bloggen skal innehalde ei uttrykksform som loggeigaren er komfortabel med, og no har eg og innsett at det har lite betydning om det er 1 besøkande eller 100 pr dag.
Eg vil heller ha få besøkande som faktisk tek seg bryet med å legge att ein kommentar enn 100 som aldri gidd.
Eg legg deg inn på blogglista mi og gledar meg til å vere med deg vidare:0)
Varm god klem