My four-year-old daughter has, as long as I can remember (after she started talking properly – before the age of two) been talking about a place called; LIVIA.
Livia was where she had her house, her children (all eight of them), a father for the children and lots of other stuff and people. She has told us the names of these children (and remembered them at all times), the name of the first father and the second father. (The first one died for a reason I can’t remember right now.) She told us how things looked like and more. Her house was purple inside and white outside.
Whenever something happened in this life – she came up with a similar story from Livia. For a period of time – it was a little too much. But we didn’t say that she couldn’t talk about it. Then it was nothing – for a long time. Now – suddenly she began to talk about it again.
However – a couple of nights ago – she told me her house got caught in a volcano-burst and lava burnt all of it. All the children died. She said it like it was the most natural thing in the world.
I asked her if she didn’t have to go to Livia anymore – now that her kids were dead. She said; No – but she might would like to have new kids – when she grew up. We concluded that it was a bit tiring to travel between two homes like that and tend to eight children and a husband – when you’re just four years old :o)

I found this picture by searching for Livia – it’s on a page called Livia Corona – they are/have been building two million homes in Mexico .. do you see the little white house? – and in the back the volcano???? :o) Just kidding :o)
Livia was also the name of one of the most powerful women in the Roman Empire. Married to Emperor Augustus. She was later called Julia Augusta.
It’s kind of fun she came up with such a name all by herself – at the age of two (or it may have been earlier).
Have a nice weekend – all of you :o)
3 kommentarer:
that is a great thing that you didn't try and make her stop talking about it. that's what happens when we are young, the adults tell us that there is no such a thing and our minds get conditioned to believing that. but what if there really is?
have a wonderful day...hugz!
Thank you so much for your comments on my blog.
I love that you didn't discourage her...Who knows? Perhaps there is something we as "grown-ups" can never know...
This is the reason I wish I had a little girl! :)
Hi Torilpia,
Thank you for the compliment (again) :)...
In answer to your question about the sidebar Youtube video...)I hope this is the proper answer!)
1. In the "layout" section choose to add a gadget in your sidebar.
2. Add HTML/Javascript. You can open a new tab and go to Youtube as well.
3. In the Youtube video you want there is a blue box to the right of the video box. In this box there is an "embed" code. Select that code. A menu will open with options to show related videos/border etc. I leave all the boxes unchecked.
4. Select the embed code, copy and paste into the "content" section of the HTML/Javascript gadget. In this code there are a "height" and a "width", these will probably need to be adjusted to fit into your sidebar. I used width="150" and height="150"...I think the values are the amount of pixels across and up the object.
5. Save and you should have what you want.
I hope!
If this doesn't work get in touch again and I'll go through the steps again to see if I left anything out!
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